Circular Backing Gate

Circular Backing Gate

The Circular Backing Gate is driven using a electrically operated three wheel buggy.
This is driven with a 3HP motor and is operated from the milking pit.
The Cows are gently moved along into the milking parlour ensuring a constant flow and safety for the operator.
A siren is installed to alert the operator when the gate is advancing
A Dungbuster can be fitted to efficiently hose down the collecting yard as the gate is advancing
The gate is fully galvanised to ensure best quality finish and durability.
We can customize to suit all sizes of circular yards and customer requirements.
Everything is manufactured in our Engineering plant in Trim Co Meath.

Key Points:
• Better Cow flow
• Safe and efficient
• Save in Labour costs
• Control from the Pit
• Alert Siren when Gate starts moving
• Fully Galvanised
• Customized to your requirements

Please see short video of the circular gate below:


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